Because there are legal policy
1. Website My Shop 4 Men ( is managed by CÔTÉ H, BP 80035, 69579 LIMONEST Cedex - FRANCE, share capital of 5000 €, registred with the number 901 534 719, email : shop(at)myshop4men(dot)com, Phone number : +33 (0)4 78 43 10 04. The website My Shop 4 Men ( is hosted by PHPNET 123 ter cours de la Libération 38100 Grenoble - France, Phone number : +33 (0)4 82 53 02 10. | |
2. Intellectual property All the contents of this site are protected by copyright. The sole owner of the rights to the images and logos is My Shop 4 Men. Any other use of the images on this webstie, without the prior written permission of My Shop 4 Men, is prohibited. 3. Conditions of use My Shop 4 Men only grants visitors authorisation to view its content for personal and private use, to the exclusion of an public viewing or boradcast. The client unconditionally agrees to these conditions of use and the termes and conditions. |